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thoughts � emzi 2003-2006 layout � emzi

I <3 that guy! He's so neat!
[� emzi @ approximately 8:04 am]
07 February 2004

Mood: awake...for the moment.

Weather: It's so freezing cold...n still spittin' a little snow out there.

Sound: Laid :: Matt Nathanson

[shiver*] Oh, gee...It's so cold in here. Maybe I should get a sweater. >_<

OOOOH! I am so excited! AND TODAY IS THE DAY! Heh...Yessah, that is right. Justin and I have been waiting for this day since like 2 months ago when we bought our tickets! But yeah, if you couldn't tell by the title of this entry...We're going to go see Bill Cosby tonight! And I can't wait! I <3 that guy! He's so neat!

You know...he's a very famous guy...I almost don't believe that this is all real. And I almost don't believe that he's real! It wierd for me to think about it!

HEH, I'm wierd! ^_^ But I'm oh so happy! Because tonight is date night for me and Justin. Dinner and a show...We haven't been out on a date like event in a long while! I hardly call going to Wal-Mart a date...Even though it's quite romantic. Terhert. ^_^ <3

Anywhoo -- I like cleaned my butt off last night! I sorted through most of all the clean clothes that are stacked in the corner [we still haven't gotten everything moved in]. In the process of putting away the clothes I had to move things around like 500 times and I was able to rediscover a lot of clothes I forgot I had. HAH

Also...I cleaned my Freddie's [my hamster] cage. I'm sure he feels "so fresh and so clean, clean." Haha. I didn't have a toilet paper tube to put in his cage, so I just put in some tp. He loved it! He likes to make his bed on like this mound of wood chips, toilet paper/tube, and this fuzzy animal bedding stuff. It's crazy...It's almost like a hamster piramid! Aha...That explains it...The Egyptians were all hamsters!

Anywhoo -- Oh, and I cleaned off the desk. Threw away a lot of trash. I am such a pack rat. Justin is right. I just can't let go of things. I think this is true because of my Mommy! I am just like my Mommy! I <3 my Mommy! ^_^

Mmm...I'm eating Mentos right now. Not the mint ones...It's gotta be the fruity flavors! Oh, so savory...YUM!

Speaking of 'savory.' I had the "Savory Mustard Chicken Baugette" at BK yesterday. It was soo good! Oh, how I long for the next time I get to eat my new found love...ehehehe!

Mmm...oh! The greatest thing happened to Justin and me while we were at BK yesterday too! Well, I got a medium and Justin got a large meal. When they put the fries on our try they realized that they put 2 mediums instead of 1 medium and 1 large...So, what they did was just put the large on the tray and left the extra medium! So, we got a free medium fry! OH GEEZ, I WAS SO EXCITED! We all know how much I love BK fries! [Heavenly*]

Yeah, I am in such a wierd mood right now. I hope it lasts all day long. And it's early too...Maybe that's the problem. Maybe I should go back to bed so that I can save some of this giddy energy for tonight!

Hmm...Justin asked for today off like over a month ago because we have the Bill Cosby show tonight...But wouldn't you know. They somehow spaced it out. DANG IT! Justin's one of the best workers they've got up there and this is how they do him? That's just not right.

I mean, first they cut back his hours and only schedule him a total of 6 days for the WHOLE MONTH OF JANUARY! And now...they can't even give him FEBRUARY 7th off when in fact he asked over a month ago. Well in advance! GRR @ Gibson County Sheriff Department. GRR! Because of GCSD we have lost a lot and they don't seem to mind.

Well, I do have some more good news. Justin got his job at Bright Horizon's. It's the daycare out at Toyota. He's super happy about it. Right now he's what they call a 'substitute teacher.' But probably in a month he'll get to go full time. That's more than the jail has ever had to offer. The jail has said that Justin'll go full time like 3 different times. I don't look for the jail thing to be lasting any much longer.

Ok...Well, I've almost written a novel. GEEZ, I haven't written this much in a long time. Anywhoo -- I'm just saying that I'm gonna get a move on.

So, I'll talk to you all laters.

B'bye: EMILY.

I love you all, so you all better love me.

Forever Yours <3 & })i({'s
Emzi - xoxo

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Name: Emily
Nick-name: Emzi
DOB: 30 October 1983
Age: 22
Sign: Scorpio
Residency: Northern Indiana
Status: Forever taken <3
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Height: 5' 5"


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