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thoughts � emzi 2003-2006 layout � emzi

I got's the job...for sure now!
[� emzi @ approximately 5:14 pm]
17 February 2004

Mood: i'm alright...but kinda lonely

Weather: superb out there! yay

Sound: Love Hina on tv...Steph's watchin' a dvd on our tv

[yeeowch*] It never fails. I always find someway to hurt myself. For real! I mean, I've got two scrape/cut things on my left leg that I have no idea where in the world they came from. I always seem to bang/cut up my hands. And as luck would have it...I think I've added yet another scar to my collection. errrrmm....So yeah, here's the story. I'm doing laundry right? Well, I put clothes in the dryer...they weren't finished dryin...so I had to turn the dryer back on. As I was reaching down to turn the dryer knob back to the right setting I so bashed my hand into the shelf right above the dryer. So now I have this cool looking seepy, bloody scrape on my knuck. Of course it's on my right hand b/c I'm not ambidextrious...

Anywhoo -------- I'm cool! For sho!

So yesterday I got a call from Wal-Mart...They said they got my test back and everything was cool w/ that...DUH! So then they're all like, we want to offer you the cashier job. Do you want it? I'm like, "Pssh, yeah!" Haha, not in those exact words, but you know...So I have to go in next Monday for orientation from 4-10p...

So yeah, I'm guessing it'll be quite near impossible to get any time off this quickly from Wal-Mart. Seeing how I just now officially got the job! In which this will totally suck b/c Justin and I have been planning a trip up North to visit my family on Easter. And what will suck even more is that Mom is so cool with it! She wants to meet Justin and everything! So I don't want to lose that opportunity to finally get my family and Justin together! I mean, Mom's having Easter dinner at the house and everything!!!! It will be like a dream come true!

Well, I think that I'll be off on my merry little way. I'm gonna go and Google myself to death. I've got to find me something new to build my new layout around! Pssh! I'm a loser...I know this! HAHAHA

Ok, b'bye: EMILY

Forever Yours <3 & })i({'s
Emzi - xoxo

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Name: Emily
Nick-name: Emzi
DOB: 30 October 1983
Age: 22
Sign: Scorpio
Residency: Northern Indiana
Status: Forever taken <3
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Height: 5' 5"


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