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thoughts � emzi 2003-2006 layout � emzi

GAH! Parenting gone wrong!
[� emzi @ approximately 6:11 pm]
22 February 2004

Mood: just woke up

Weather: a bit cooler than earlier...the sun is going down

Sound: the fan

Ok, now something happened earlier that I'm not too happy about. It was pretty much totally unfair...Well, you can be the judge of that too...

Well, we were all sitting in the living room watching Major Payne. I was sitting on the couch, Steph was on the little wooden step stool/bench thing...and I think Holly was in the chair or something...Anywhoo -- When dinner was ready we all went into the kitchen to get our food. Well, Holly hurried up and got her food and rushed back to the living room where she stole Steph's seat. Steph asked Holly to get out of her seat b/c she was sitting there. Holly wouldn't move. Mind you there were several seats still left in the living room to watch tv. But Holly wouldn't budge. Steph got mad and I guess she tried to get the little step stool/bench thing from her...Holly didn't like this so SHE STABBED STEPH WITH A FORK! Now, Steph has these marks on her arm...Like it broke the skin...Anywhoo -- When Steph yelled out in pain [duh] at Holly only then did the parental units react. Maude just kinda went "Hooooolly" like she usually does and Tim came into the room yelling as usual. Well, when Tim came into the room Holly told him that Steph was trying to steal her pizza. Now, why in the world would she steal her pizza when she had her own? Oh, becuase Holly likes to lie. So yeah...They all kept yelling at Steph not even yelling at Holly...When Holly was the one that was in the wrong in the first place. They both got sent to their room, but I do NOT think it was fair at all. And Tim does not drop something...He just keeps talking about it and ranting and raving staring at you for your approval. [Well, he does not have my approval.] So this made Steph even madder, she yelled at Tim, "Yeah, well I hate her just like I hate you!" Which I don't blame her. She was getting into trouble for getting stabbed in the arm. Holly was the whole problem, but no one seemed to care about that. They were too worried about yelling at Steph...

They were both sent to their rooms, but Steph was grounded for 2 weeks b/c of her outburst of hate talk. I think that I heard Holly downstairs...this is so not fair. Why do they always treat her differently? B/c she's older? Or what?! I understand that she doesn't always listen, but SHE WAS STABBED BY A FORK FOR HEAVENS SAKE!

What is wrong w/ these people?!

Ok...I'm done ranting...I think. Justin and I have to leave for church in a few anyways...

B'bye: EMILY

Forever Yours <3 & })i({'s
Emzi - xoxo

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Name: Emily
Nick-name: Emzi
DOB: 30 October 1983
Age: 22
Sign: Scorpio
Residency: Northern Indiana
Status: Forever taken <3
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Height: 5' 5"


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