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thoughts � emzi 2003-2006 layout � emzi

[� emzi @ approximately 11:59 pm]
25 March 2004

Mood: tired

Weather: it's a beautiful night out though it smells like rain

Sound: NFS: Hot Pursuit 2

My oh my...What a day, what a day.

I have been so completely exhausted today. I got plenty of sleep last night too. I must be lacking in some vitamins and nutrients...Guess it's time to break out the multi vitamins again. It's messed up too b/c I'll be lacking in sleep for a few days and I won't get more than 6 hours of sleep and then all of a sudden I have the opportunity to sleep and well...I'LL SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP for like 10-12hrs straight, no problem. Then it so messes up my whole balance in my body...I get so moody and emotional and stuff...I hate it! I must be bipolar in my sleep...too much and then not enough.

****Please, those of you whom are actually bipolar...Do not take offence to anything I have said. I am not trying to belittle you...It's just that my interpretations of things sometimes don't seem to be the best...But hey...It makes sense to me.****

Anywhoo -- I'm talking to Kacee right now! Oh, how I've missed her. I swear it's been like forever and 2 weeks since I last actually carried on a conversation with the gal. I heart Kacee Lynn!

Bah, work went as well as could be expected. I was on stupid register 16 tonight...I've been on that one the last 3 times I've worked! I hate that register for multiple reasons: it's a short counter, it's by the tobacco, and the stupid people have blocked the end of the register w/ a shelf that has the brooms and stuff for the front end...And thus, making it hard to put peoples items in their carts. I hate that I have to hand them their bags and yeah...It's like one of Wal-Mart's "no, no's" too...We're s'pose to put their stuff in their carts, NOT the customers...PSSH! Sometimes I think they make the rules just so they can break them!

So Saturday night is the beginning of our revival at our church and I'm not able to go. :o( I am so completely sad too! I have to work that night, so I'll miss opening night. Although, it runs through Wednesday night and all the other nights I'll be able to attend b/c I either don't work or I get off in time. So, 4 out of the 5 nights isn't bad at all!

The Lord has really been speaking to Justin and I through our nightly devotions. Last night we read Luke 10: 1-12 and it really reached into our hearts. It was the story about how Jesus sent out 72 people 2 by 2 to teach people about God. And we found this to be comforting because we finally realized that we should go to Missouri b/c God is sending Justin and I [2 by 2] to attend CCCB and to help the Wesleyan Church in Mexico, Missouri to get back into action.

Well, I think that this is all for now. I may head onto bed here real shortly. I'm tired and my head is pounding. Goodnight.

B'bye: EMILY

Forever Yours <3 & })i({'s
Emzi - xoxo

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Name: Emily
Nick-name: Emzi
DOB: 30 October 1983
Age: 22
Sign: Scorpio
Residency: Northern Indiana
Status: Forever taken <3
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Height: 5' 5"


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