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thoughts � emzi 2003-2006 layout � emzi

insurance blues
[� emzi @ approximately 1:18 pm]
18 May 2004

Mood: groggy

Weather: looks pleasant enough...

Sound: *shh*

I don't know what my problem is...I'm still exhausted after 11 hours of sleep. I only woke up once, and that was due to Justin waking me up and feeding me a muffin. It was good...but then I went straight back to sleep.

I don't know...I think that there is something wrong with me. I'm always exhausted even if I get 11 or 12 hours of sleep...and that's nothing! [Last week one day I slept 14 hours straight and didn't wake up once!] My periods are super irregular...and painful. I'm always HOT...And I get hot flashes like I was going into menopause [and I'm almost 21!]. My moods tend to be irrational and my rage gets the best of me [and other people x_x]. I have no motivation...My body just aches, especially my ankles/legs/back. OMG. I think my body is getting ready to quit on me already...

*is this going to be a short life, or what?*

Justin and I both get paid this week. We both should be getting pretty good checks, but it'll be gone in no time...BILLS BILLS BILLS!

Oh, speaking of bills...I got my insurance bill in the mail the other day. They're telling me that I owe them $112 BUCKS this month when last month I only owed them $87.07 -- that's an increase of $25 BUCKS and I WANT TO KNOW WHY!!!!! THIS IS BULLLLLL! It makes me mad too b/c they told me that since Justin and I are married that the insurance would go down...NOT INCREASE! I mean, even when I was paying before we were married my insurance was only $98 and that's still a difference of $14. So I want to know what the deal is. I'm gonna take in the bill and ask them. I AM NOT HAPPY WITH THIS...I mean, that is $25 we could be using to pay on our computer or phone bill or what not.


Well...I do believe this is all for now. I have to work in a few hours and then I have tomorrow off, so I'll be able to stay up later and update. YAY! Hopefully I get to an update, but maybe I'll just be too tired! LOL ^_^

Have a great day!

B'bye: EMILY

Forever Yours <3 & })i({'s
Emzi - xoxo

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Name: Emily
Nick-name: Emzi
DOB: 30 October 1983
Age: 22
Sign: Scorpio
Residency: Northern Indiana
Status: Forever taken <3
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Height: 5' 5"


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