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thoughts � emzi 2003-2006 layout � emzi

I need a bath.
[� emzi @ approximately 2:00 pm]
14 May 2004

Mood: awake, but tired

Weather: hot and muggy and rainy

Sound: a train and the a/c

So, I just got back from going to the grocery store w/ Justin's Mom and Katie. OMG! I hate it when the cashiers tie the bags shut b/c when you get home and go to put your groceries away...You like have to rip the bag apart and hope that all of your goodies don't go flying across the room b/c the bag busts. Oh, and...There was this lady behind me at SaveALot and well...She was like throwing her groceries up onto the belt and stuff. I had the cart in front of me and Maudy and Katie were in front of the cart so I couldn't move. I got out of the way as far as I could, but she still proceeded to throw her groceries. Oh, and when we first got to the store she was the same lady that was throwing boxes on the floor at the Strawberry display. What a hoochie. That lady had problems with throwing her meat a little too far! Eheh. ^_-

MMM...I'm eating popcorn from the Wal-Mart snack bar. It's just like the popcorn you would get if you went to the cinema! MMM GOOD. Although, if you eat too much it tends to make your lips a little raw from the ulitmate butter, oil and salt content! So, popcorn eaters...BEWARE!

Yeehaw! This is the beginning of my 3 DAY WEEKEND! I'm not sure what's going on this weekend, but I can tell you that I'm gonna be doing osme serious laundry and some serious cleaning in our bedroom! I already cleaned the desk off last night and that was a task in itself...You should have seen the desk! And I swear it had an inch of dust on it...I feel so bad for this computer! AWW POOR BABY!!! X_X But this house is so dusty...It's crazy!

I think my palm tree is dying. I need to do some major reviving on it. But I think it's main problems is that it needs a bigger container...Needs to spread its roots a little bit. So, I'm gonna buy is a bigger container and we'll see how it does.

Egh, I need to take a bath. I feel grotesque...Probably for the fact that its so darn muggy outside and I was sweatin like a pig...Not that pigs sweat I mean...They don't even have pours to sweat with, but you know the expression. Maybe I should get smart like the pigs and roll in some mud. Lord knows there's enough of it out there today to make thousands of piggies happy!

I need something to drink...*thirsty*... _/

OMG! I got emails from two of the AJL members! It's so cool b/c I didn't even expect them to answer my post or anything...WOW! I even got offered some stickers and a demo cd. These guys are the ultimate superbness already! ^_^

Well, I don't have much else to say, so I'm gonna be on my way...I think I'm gonna go ahead and take a bath. Hope you all are having a good day!

B'bye: EMILY

Forever Yours <3 & })i({'s
Emzi - xoxo

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Name: Emily
Nick-name: Emzi
DOB: 30 October 1983
Age: 22
Sign: Scorpio
Residency: Northern Indiana
Status: Forever taken <3
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Height: 5' 5"


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