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thoughts � emzi 2003-2006 layout � emzi

[� emzi @ approximately 12:06 am]
31 May 2004

Mood: getting a bit sleepy

Weather: t-storms...there was a tornado warning! O_o

Sound: NFS Hot Pursuit 2

The Lord has certainly convicted Justin's heart about Indiana Wesleyan University. God gave us the opportunity to put Justin through school for free. This is all exciting, but then we tended to look at the factors of living expenses, finding jobs and moving. We let our faith dwindle away and then Justin looked into just staying here for awhile and taking online classes. After talking to a representative from Kentucky Mountain Bible College Justin's heart has been under MAJOR convicition. The fellow that Justin talked to at KMBC didn't say anything about getting loans to cover costs of schooling...All he said was not to lose your faith in God.

And you see, the thing is that we had faith in the beginning when Justin applied to IWU in the first place. We knew that we would not be able to afford the cost of IWU on our own, but in faith Justin applied anyways. We were amazed that his award letter [for gov't/state student aid] was for almost FULL COVERAGE except for $500 or so. The only thing that we started having doubts about was living arrangements and such...

But you know...If our faith in God allowed Him to give us all of that money for Justin to attend IWU, then why should we lose faith in Him to give us a place to live and a job? We shouldn't. But we did...

Tomorrow Justin is going to call IWU and see what all he has to do to get the ball on the roll. This is an awesome opportunity and we feel like if we don't take it, then we will be messing up our future that the Lord has intended to give us. If we don't take this opportunity, then we will have failed the Lords plan for our lives...Getting all of this money for school definately wasn't a mistake.

-- Anywhoo --

Wow. Church tonight was great and we had fellowship at Kristi's new apartment. There was about 15 or so of us teen/very young adults in Kristi's 1 bedroom apt. It was great though -- getting together w/ the church family for good times! We ate ham sandwiches and potato chips and watched 'Second Hand Lions.' That was an awesome movie!!!

I didn't get to call my Mom this afternoon...so that was a bummer! But I'll call her Wednesday night. I can call only about twice a week. My work schedule is for evenings...starting at about the time she would just be getting home from work and then it's way too late for me to call when I get home. So I usually call on Wednesday Saturday and/or Sunday.

Overall today didn't seem to be too bad. Except for one part, but I do not wish to go into detail about it. It's in the past...I'm forgetting about it. It's gone...finito or however you spell it.

Well, I'm gonna head onto bed...I'm quite sleepy. Have a good night and God Bless.

B'bye: EMILY

Forever Yours <3 & })i({'s
Emzi - xoxo

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Name: Emily
Nick-name: Emzi
DOB: 30 October 1983
Age: 22
Sign: Scorpio
Residency: Northern Indiana
Status: Forever taken <3
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Height: 5' 5"


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