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thoughts � emzi 2003-2006 layout � emzi

Yay, it's Valentines day!
[� emzi @ approximately 5:49 pm]
14 February 2004

Mood: i'm alright, i guess

Weather: It was super outside today...But it's cold in this room! BRR!

Sound: Um...my hamster gettin all geekified...he's wiggin out I tell ya!

[sigh*] Well, here's what has happened since last night when I last posted.

I laid down at like 1.30a and got back up at 3.30a to go get Justin. Before I left I made the bed and put out Justin's ultra special v-day gifts.

So since I already gave them to him I'll tell you what they are. It was simple but thoughtful...all I got him was a card [that was oh so super sweet!] and a single rose. After I made the bed I laid the card in the middle of the bed and put the rose ontop. It looked super romantic or something like that...only because I had MOOD lighting! I just had the little lamp on the desk on. So it was dark, but yet it wasn't. Did that make any sense?! Probably not...

Ok, so anywhoo -- I thought I was going to collapse in the middle of the road and freeze to death while I was going out to my truck at an early 3.40a this morning! I mean, do yall realize how cold it is at that time of the am?! OMG! It's horrible. I think I might have chipped a tooth from all the teeth chattering...

So, I went and picked Justin up from work. He stared fishing around the backseat for something. I thought he was just looking for his radio and belt [because he works at the jail today 3p-11p]...I asked him if he could just wait until we got home. He said yeah, but then he pulled out a heart shaped box of chocolates and a little brown fuzzy teddy bear with a red nose! Oh, it was so cute! I almost died!

So yeah, we did our little "I love you." schpeal. I was so happy! He still had no idea that I had gotten him a little something...

So, we get home and he goes to the kitchen first. Oh, anticipation has gotten me so hyped up by now that I can hardly stand it! All he does is get some oj and then we head up to bed.

I start up the stairs first, but then before we get to the top I let him pass by saying, "I'll let you go first." He walks into our bedroom, but he doesn't see it...He looks around and sees it on the bed. I flip on the light and he was in awe.

He read the card and I thought he was going to cry. Then he proceeded to tell me that no one has ever bought him a rose before. That made me feel special...to know that I was the first to give him a rose! Oh, it was a sappy sappy moment in time! But I loved every minute of it.

We then laid in bed talking until 5a until we fell asleep. We didn't wake up until noon. Justin got up before I did...I just stayed in bed. When I finally decided to get up Justin was playing a game on the computer.

I got up and did my business and then came back and sat on the bed watching him play his game. He got off the computer pretty quickly and said he wanted to spend some time with me before he had to start getting ready for work. So, we got back into bed and got all googlie faced. Tickle fight...and that kinda of thing. It was great.

Oh, I love Justin so much. I don't know what I'd ever do with out him!

So...anywhoo -- I took Justin to work at 3 and then came back here. I took a bath and picked up the room a little bit. Then I went downstairs and watched a movie with everyone. We watched "Cujo". It was a good movie. It was the first time I've seen it all the way through. Every time before I had only seen the beginning.

Anywhoo -- Now I'm back here in our bedroom. I thought I'd give a quick update and then I'm gonna go back to cleaning.

I hope you all are having a great V-day!

Happy Valentines Day, Vicki! I heart you! Won't you be my SUPER awesome Rock ON Valentine?! <3<3

Happy Vday to my family! I heart you all! Wish I could be home with you!<3<3

Happy Vday to Kacee! I heart you too!<3<3

Ok...It's dinner time! Gotta go eat! I'm STARVING!

B'bye: EMILY

Forever Yours <3 & })i({'s
Emzi - xoxo

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Name: Emily
Nick-name: Emzi
DOB: 30 October 1983
Age: 22
Sign: Scorpio
Residency: Northern Indiana
Status: Forever taken <3
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Height: 5' 5"


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