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thoughts � emzi 2003-2006 layout � emzi

Ahh, my aching back.
[� emzi @ approximately 8:15 pm]
15 March 2004

Mood: tired, of course

Weather: rainy

Sound: nothing...

OUCH! I feel like I'm dying here. My back is killing me and it hurts so bad it isn't even funny! Back when I started at Wal-Mart a few weeks ago I wasn't used to the cash register set up that they have, so I became super sore. My body ached. Well, my legs and such got better, but my back hasn't healed yet. And it hurt so incredibly bad. As I was working tonight I must have moved the wrong way b/c my back tensed up and I felt like just hunching over into a ball and not getting up off of the ground. Of course, I could not do this, so I was in excrutiating agony all night long. Maybe here in a little bit I'll take a super hot bath. Hmm...maybe that'll help...?! I hope so...Or at least something.

I got a compliment from a customer today about my watch. She said she liked it and that she likes big, chunky watches and bracelets. I said, "So do I." Oh, and some random old men were flirting with me...It was kinda wierd, but oh well. I guess I'm just "that" hot y'know! BLAH! Heh...

I worked today from 2.45p-7p yeah....Very short shift, but I'm not complaining. Well, after I got off work I was spose to call Justin to see if he wanted me to bring him any food. He did of course, so I got BK. It was good and the fries were HOTTTT tonight. YESSAH, it was my lucky night!

I have to call my Vicki here in a little bit. She called like 2 times today while I was at work and didn't even leave a message! I mean, PSSH! How could she call and not leave me some love?! OMG, for real! Eehehehehehehe, it's cool Vicki! You know I'm just playing! So if you read this...I'm really just gonna kick yo butt! Heh! ^_-

[Sigh*] Well, I don't really have much else to say, so I guess that I'm just gonna go. Maybe I'll lay down and rest my back for awhile before I have to get Justin from work at 11 o'clock. Oh, yes, that sounds heavenly.

B'bye: EMILY

Forever Yours <3 & })i({'s
Emzi - xoxo

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Name: Emily
Nick-name: Emzi
DOB: 30 October 1983
Age: 22
Sign: Scorpio
Residency: Northern Indiana
Status: Forever taken <3
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Height: 5' 5"


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