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thoughts � emzi 2003-2006 layout � emzi

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[� emzi @ approximately 8:36 pm]
21 June 2005

Mood: extremely tired and wore out

Weather: it's warm outside again...81* but hey, it could be warmer!

Music: Security :: Joss Stone

Good eveing all.

The past two days have been quite stressful. I need a new vehicle soooo bad! Last night on the drive home from work my truck died 4 times...4 TIMES...before I could get home. I was late picking Justin up from work and it's all just BLAH! It makes me mad every time I think about it!

+++PLUS+++ I got of work today at 2pm...My truck wouldn't start...All due to sitting in the sun all day & getting warm. It's so fucking retarded. I hate my truck. I need a new vechicle---care to donate?!

So, since the truck wouldn't start...I called Justin to let him know that he'd have to walk to work today (in which I feel horrid about because it was hot outside! X_x) and then I decided to walk to my Mom's house to pass the time...

Howard (<---step-dad) followed me home just to make sure that I didn't break down & whatnot. But wouldn't you know...I had absolutely no problems w/ the damn truck. GAH! Sure enough though...If he wouldn't have followed me home I would have had problems & might have been abducted by a crazy, scary man! *chyeah*

Anywhoo -- I borrowed Sims2 from my sisters. For all who are concerned (which I'm sure none of you are...) I've played that a lot in the last 2 days...I love the Sims. lol I'm such a dork, but that's ok. I'll get over it...

This is a message for the person that keeps posting on my c-box that calls themself "ehhh." I would like to know who you think you are coming here and posting shit on my c-box. And before you can come up w/ a smart-assed comment...I understand that the reason that I have a c-box is for comments, but I do not need your comments. Especially if you are going to post shit like "ohhh a licker" and expect people NOT to post something back in referral to your post. I WILL ban your ip address so you cannot come here and post your childish, little comments. Obviously you are female since you don't have a ball sack -- You are a disgrace to all of us females. So grow up & stop the bull shit.

Thanks for reading my interesting entry today. Have a great day.

Forever Yours <3 & })i({'s
Emzi - xoxo

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Name: Emily
Nick-name: Emzi
DOB: 30 October 1983
Age: 22
Sign: Scorpio
Residency: Northern Indiana
Status: Forever taken <3
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Height: 5' 5"


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